Derek's TiVo Winning Essay
by Derek Eng

     I was sitting outside. The bell was about to ring. Suddenly, she appeared – the girl of my dreams! Oh! How I longed to embrace her, to smell her hair! But alas, I had not the confidence to do anything of that sort. 

     Suddenly, I realized she had stopped in front of me! I became tense. Even more tense then the season finale of Dawson’s Creek had been. Then, she spoke!

     “Want to go out Wednesday?”

     I was speechless. I wanted to shout out “Of course I would!” But then, I remembered – Wednesday night was the season premiere of Dawson’s Creek! All summer long, I endured the repeats knowing that in the fall it would return. Joey had chosen Pacey over Dawson! I must know what happens! But how could I tell her? How could I not go out with the girl of my dreams?

     I made my choice: I would miss Dawson’s Creek. “They will replay it eventually,” I assured myself. Then, I heard something. Could it be? It was Paula Cole!

     “I don’t want to wait for our lives to be over…”

     But wait! There was something else! It was a faint whisper. I could barely make it out.


It got louder!


No! What was Tivo? It couldn’t be more important than Dawson!


or Pacey!


Suddenly, the bell rang. I told her I would gladly go out with her.

     As I stood up, my mission was clear: Get Tivo.. and find something to wear next Wednesday.